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VR studio and label Creature announced Starship Home, a plant-filled mixed reality adventure that turns your living room into a spacecraft on a mission to save alien flora. In it, we get a look at the virtual windows, control panels, and other components, which are placed strategically around your room to make it feel like you’ve blasted off into space.

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🌀 DTech 🟤 PP

Surveys show that members of Gen Z are shyer and more risk averse than previous generations, too, and risk aversion may make them less ambitious. In an interview last May, OpenAI co-founder Sam Altman and Stripe co-founder Patrick Collison noted that, for the first time since the 1970s, none of Silicon Valley’s preeminent entrepreneurs are under 30. “Something has really gone wrong,” Altman said. In a famously young industry, he was baffled by the sudden absence of great founders in their 20s.

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🟣 SC

Why the term Metaverse took hold, specifically, is an unknowable question. “Cyberspace” seems to have been left behind — probably because it was too commonly used to skeuomorphically describe where online “things” “resided” in the 1990s — while the “Matrix” was likely impaired by the blockbuster success of the film of the same name. Maybe the “Grid” was too similar to other already-popular terms such as the “power grid.” Virtual reality never really went away, which is problem number one, but it was also too firmly associated with hardware, problem two, and those products were typically considered flops and “uncool.” Three strikes. VR-adjacent terms, such as AR, the newer MR, and newest XR, brought their own taxonomy problems and, in an inversion of VR’s problem, lacked products that would have given consumers an intuitive understanding of one versus another.

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🟣 SC

The mixed reality headsets with video passthrough — which allow you to see through a goggles screen to the outside world — don’t have as severe a problem when it comes to motion sickness, according to a qualitative study by Stanford University‘s Jeremy Bailenson and ten other researchers. But it can still cause visual impacts and some simulator sickness.

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🟤 PP 🌀 DTech 🔴 HCI

Multicultural UX design is complex.

To get a profound comprehension of our target culture, we need to understand its history.

Which country can be better used than Japan to illustrate this case?

Japan has a rich history. It’s an intriguing country. It perfectly explains why historical comprehension is tremendously important for us UX designers.

In this article, I will discover Japan’s past and how historical events influence today’s digital behaviour.

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Sony Corporation announced development of an immersive spatial content creation system, which includes an XR head-mounted display equipped with high-quality 4K OLED Microdisplays*2 and video see-through function, and a pair of controllers optimized for intuitive interaction with 3D objects and precise pointing. The system is aimed at supporting creators in sophisticated 3D content creation.

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🟣 SC

Sometimes, you need extra display space, but you don’t have space for an extra display. Folks who get work done while flying on a business trip or while traveling on public transit, for example, could use a second screen for multitasking, but typically don’t have the elbow room to juggle more than a laptop. Perhaps you’d like to spend more time in the family room, but someone else in your household always claims the big screen. Or maybe there are moments when you need to work privately, as when you’re reading through confidential business materials while working at a local coffee shop.

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