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3 posts tagged with "DTech"

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🌀 DTech

Picture a scene. Your eyes are met with such abundant impressions that they flit swiftly from one to the next. Just as something catches your gaze, another calls from the periphery. So you move on. As you do again. And again after that. Suddenly, as if time were a vapor, you’ve spent an hour shuffling your attention between curious things. This scene could well describe the modern experience of scrolling Instagram or TikTok. But it also captures the sensory rush of stepping into a cabinet of curiosities centuries ago. Much as we find ourselves drowning in content today, these so-called Wunderkammern, literally “wonder chambers,” put the information overload wrought by European colonization and foreign trade on indulgent display.

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🟤 PP 🌀 DTech 🔴 HCI

Charlie was 15 when his life inexplicably shrank to fit within the frame of his lower bunk bed in his family's cramped Hong Kong apartment.

“I felt very depressed, confused, like I didn’t know what I wanted,” said Charlie, who’s now 19 and still learning how to navigate the world outside.

Charlie is among millions of hikikomori, a Japanese term for people who cut themselves off from society, sometimes for months or years – often Gen Z and Millennials in the prime of their youth.

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🌀 DTech

Utah has become the first US state to require social media firms get parental consent for children to use their apps and verify users are at least 18. The move comes amidst heightened concern over the impact of social media on children's mental health. Ari Z Cohn, a free speech lawyer for TechFreedom, said the bill posed "significant free speech problems". "There are so many children who might be in abusive households," he told the BBC, "who might be LGBT, who could be cut-off from social media entirely."

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