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13 posts tagged with "future studies"

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Automating food is unlike automating anything else. Food is fundamental to life – nourishing body and soul – so how it’s accessed, prepared and consumed can change societies fundamentally.

Automated kitchens aren’t sci-fi visions from “The Jetsons” or “Star Trek.” The technology is real and global. Right now, robots are used to flip burgers, fry chicken, create pizzas, make sushi, prepare salads, serve ramen, bake bread, mix cocktails and much more. AI can invent recipes based on the molecular compatibility of ingredients or whatever a kitchen has in stock. More advanced concepts are in the works to automate the entire kitchen for fine dining.

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The present is overwhelmed with complex global challenges–polycrises that threaten to persist into the future. In this context, the need for a framework that necessitates policymakers consider long-term impacts when making decisions has never been more critical. The United Nations’ report, Our Common Agenda, proposes a landmark solution: a Pact for the Future and a Declaration on Future Generations.

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When we imagine “the future”, what do we conjure up? Some may think five years ahead and struggle to imagine a world much different than today. Others may dream of a better world and wonder how it could be brought into being. Alas, these ideas focus on the content of the future. But what about the very shape of the future itself? Is it linear? Branching? Circular? Throughout history, people have tried to give shape to the future.

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Japan’s Future Design movement offers a unique model for overcoming short-termism in democratic decision-making. Drawing on traditional culture, Future Design is inspired by the principle of seventh-generation decision making, with the aim of strengthening intergenerational justice. Future Design was developed by Tatsuyoshi Saijo, a Japanese economist, who directs the Research Institute for Future Design at Kochi University of Technology.

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