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79 posts tagged with "Spatial Computing"

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🟣 SC 🔴 HCI

Like self-sustaining fusion power and full self-driving cars, in the last decade virtual reality (VR) has joined the ranks of technology not quite living up to its promise. While VR headsets, games, and even workplace applications have grown in recent years, widespread adoption of this technology at the rate of something akin to smartphones is still a far cry away.

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🟣 SC: Spatial Computing 🌀 DTech: Digital Technologies

A recent invention by a research team led by Professor Lim Chwee Teck (Dept of Biomedical Engineering and Director of the Institute for Health Innovation & Technology, iHealthtech) promises to substantially enhance a user’s sense of touch in virtual reality (VR), with the aim of delivering a more authentic and immersive experience within the metaverse.

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🟣 SC: Spatial Computing 🌀 DTech: Digital Technologies

There are many companies angling to make money in the metaverse at the moment, but far fewer trying to use its technology for public good. The World Economic Forum hopes to change that with the Global Collaboration Village, which will be introduced at Davos this year ahead of a full rollout. The virtual village has been designed to function—and look—like the real Swiss town, except that here the people convening in co-working spaces, attending conferences in government buildings, and browsing museums will be doing so as avatars

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🟣 SC: Spatial Computing

In their twenty years of existence, smartphones taught us that “being mobile” and having the internet in our pockets offers enormous benefits for everyone. But the smartphone also showed us that—perhaps more than ever—we’re slaves to our screens. Years after evolving from being chained to a desktop, we still need to liberate ourselves from doing everything on the computer’s terms.

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🟣 SC: Spatial Computing

We use them everyday, be it handheld or atop a desk. My Creative Monologue this time discusses the positive and negative sides of screen development, and how we are using them for videos, websites and UI.

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