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36 posts tagged with "future"

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🔵 FS

The foundation of generative AI is data from the past. This raises a question: how does the past generate a future? The human answer to this is embedded in ideologies. We arrive at a set of values, and engage in social arrangements that reflect those values. We sustain these beliefs by confirming those values through the films we watch, the media we consume, the conversations we have and who have them with.

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🔘 Arch

The rapid ascent of electric vehicles has presented designers and carmakers with an intriguing opportunity to rethink the service station. And while most current EV charging facilities are more infrastructure than architecture, a radically new type of service station is on the horizon that takes advantage of the time gap people spend waiting for their cars to charge.

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🔘 Arch

Phoenix has been 110 degrees Fahrenheit—or hotter—for nearly a month. Sanbao, China, reached a record high of 52.2 degrees Celsius (126 Fahrenheit). In Iran, the heat index hit 66.7 degrees Celsius (152 Fahrenheit), near the limits of human survival. This isn’t the new normal—as climate change progresses, the world will get even hotter. Here’s how cities are racing to adapt.

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🔘 Arch 🟣 SC 🟠 Des-fi 🔵 FS

IDEO decided to take the 100+ stakeholders through a futuring process designed to help them envision desired futures that might feel out of reach based on their day-to-day experience. As part of this, the team wanted to create a tangible visual experience that felt both nostalgic and forward-looking. And so we looked to the retrofuturism of the View-Master.

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🔵 FS 🌀 DTech

The mixing of ‘Art’ and ‘Progress’ makes for a curious potion. When we consider the latter term, we tend to associate it with technological advancement, or perhaps the promotion of liberal values within society. Yet with art it seems a bit harder to decipher. From one perspective, we can examine the capacity of art as a tool for making social and political progress. Artists can often serve as powerful voices for social causes and help to make vivid the most sobering of truths. Another way of combining art with progress may encourage us to consider the notion of whether art, as a discipline, improves upon itself. A rather contentious narrative, given the fact that art seems to represent a pocket of nostalgia, with many people longing for the classical composers, old masters, and epic poets of bygone times. I began by asking Eno where he stood on the latter of these two.

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🔘 Arch

Extreme heat disasters like this are becoming increasingly common in regions where high heat used to be rare. Blackouts during severe heat waves can also leave residents who believe they are protected because they have in-home air conditioners at unexpected risk. To prepare, cities, neighborhoods, companies, and individuals can take steps now to reduce the harm.

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🟠 Des-fi 🔵 FS

How can we become better ancestors to our future generations? Human beings are cognitively not good at thinking about the long-term, without barriers of plausibility at present. That is why futurists help decision makers connect with the future emotionally to develop empathy in order to kick-start better decisions today, and also to stay ahead.

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🟣 SC 🔵 FS 🔴 HCI

It’s impossible to discuss Spatial Computing without touching base with VR and AR, the granddaddies of what is now collectively called “eXtended Reality” or XR. Virtual Reality (VR) is pretty much the best-known of the two, especially because it is easier to implement. Remember that cardboard box with a smartphone inside that you strap to your head? That’s pretty much the most basic example of VR, which practically traps you inside a world full of pixels and intangible objects.

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