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The metaverse continues to be a nebulous ball of hype and speculation. That sounds like a slam but it’s not – the metaverse follows patterns of past hype cycles as it tries to define itself. Like the web, it will eventually materialize in ways we’re not talking about today.

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🔘 Arch 🔵 FS

Global issues such as the housing crisis and climate change are galvanising ambitions for a new generation of high-tech cities. The Line, a 500-metre-tall skyscraper that will house nine million people in northwestern Saudi Arabia, as shown in this video, is the most recent example but not the only one. BIG, Foster + Partners and OMA are among multiple architecture studios helping to masterplan futuristic urban centres, which often claim to be designed with a focus on sustainability.

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🔘 Arch 🔵 FS

While Gray had taken some consulting gigs over the years, he’d never received an offer like this one. The first shock was the money: significantly more than he’d earned from all but one of his books. The second was the task: researching the aesthetics of seminal works of science fiction such as Blade Runner. The biggest surprise, however, was the ultimate client: Mohammed bin Salman, the 36-year-old crown prince of Saudi Arabia.

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🔘 Arch

In the next generation, America will see more resurrections of newly obsolete buildings than at any time since the advent of the Eisenhower Federal Highway System, when cities where radically gutted and a new “suburbia” carpet bombed the landscape around them. From 1950 to 1965, urban factories that thrived during World War II were abandoned. Blocks of tight worker housing were lost to a new social and built environment that saw millions of new buildings sweep across fallow farmland outside the city limits.

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🟣 SC

If the company’s eye-tracking is as precise (and accurate) as they claim, it would be a major win because it could enable the device to function as a genuine AR contact lens capable of immersive experiences, rather than just a smart contact lens for basic informational display. Mojo Vision does claim it expects its contact lens to be able to do immersive AR eventually, including stereoscopic rendering with one contact in each eye. In any case, AR won’t be properly viable on the device until a larger field-of-view is achieved, but it’s an exciting possibility.

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🟣 SC 🌀 DTech

These days when we think about the latest evolution of Design we might think; Human-centred Design, Product Design, Service Design or Strategic Design… perhaps even Systems, Organisational or Business Design. Where Design goes next, and in fact, what design is or will become is a topic that I’ve always been interested in (and written several Medium articles on along with an MBA thesis). Now I have a more specific, possible idea — Design3.

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🟣 SC 🔘 Arch

For the past couple of years, the metaverse has been gaining prominence, prompting architects to consider its implications for our relationship with the physical environment and how can architecture contribute to this new virtual space. Architecture in the metaverse is no longer a fringe subject, having been embraced by established firms. "The metaverse is where much of the architectural action and innovation will be happening in the coming period," says Patrick Schumacher...

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🟣 SC

The concept of a metaverse that became viral at the end of 2021 clearly indicates a digital transformation we are experiencing right now. Metaverse represents a significant part of web 3.0 that promises to blend people’s real and virtual lives. At the same time, right now, Metaverse is more like an early concept, and many designers wonder what tools they can use to design a metaverse experience? In this article, I’ve tried to summarize the most popular tool available on the market that allows you to create a truly immersive experience.

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