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NameResearch CodesInformation
Anab Jain🟠 Des-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
Anab is a designer, futurist, filmmaker and educator. As Co-founder and Director of Superflux, she catalyses our Studio’s vision to imagine and generate plural visions of precarious flourishing in challenging times.
Armin Grunwald🟀 PP
πŸ”΅ FS
Armin Grunwald is director of the Institute for Technology Assessment and systems analysis (ITAS) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Karlsruhe, Germany, since 1999. Since 2002 he is also director of the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB). Since 2007, Armin Grunwald in addition is Full Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Technology at KIT.
Bruce Sterling🟑 Sci-fi
🟠 Des-fi
Professor of New Media and Science Fiction at The European Graduate School. Science fiction writer, net critic, and internationally recognized cyberspace theorist. Research Interest: Science fiction, design fiction, cyberspace.
David MattinπŸ”΅ FSHe writes about the trends, ideas, innovations, and people set to reshape our shared future. He gives practical and inspiring talks that bring these ideas to life. And works with leading organisations to orient their innovation around the trends and futures scenarios that matter.
Don Ihde🟀 PPProfessor of Philosophy. Research Interest: Postphenomenology, Phenomenology, Technoscience.
Fiona Raby🟠 Des-fiProfessor of Design and Social Inquiry. Research Interest: Design Fiction, speculative design, functional fictions.
Jane McGonigalπŸ”΅ FS
πŸŒ€ DTech
Jane McGonigal, PhD is a world-renowned designer of alternate reality games β€” or, games that are designed to improve real lives and solve real problems.
Jim DatorπŸ”΅ FSProfessor Emeritus and former Director of the Hawaii Research Center for Futures Studies.
Joseph Lindley🟠 Des-fi
πŸŒ€ DTech
Lancaster University. Research Interest: Interested in the role that Design Research plays in understanding rapidly-changing relatonships between individuals, society, and technology.
Julian Bleecker🟠 Des-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
Near Future Laboratory. Research Interest: Design Fiction
Liam Young🟠 Des-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
πŸ”˜ Arch
Liam Young is a designer, director and BAFTA nominated producer who operates in the spaces between design, fiction and futures. Described by the BBC as β€˜the man designing our futures’, his visionary films and speculative worlds are both extraordinary images of tomorrow and urgent examinations of the environmental questions facing us today.
Mark Blythe🟠 Des-fi
πŸ”΄ HCI
Mark Blythe is Professor of Interdisciplinary Design at Northumbria University. He is a design ethnographer with a background in social science.
Mark WeiserπŸŒ€ DTech
πŸ”΄ HCI
Weiser was chief scientist at Xerox PARC in the United States and is widely considered to be the father of ubiquitous computing. Research Interest: Ubiquitous computing.
Michael Naimark🟣 SCMichael Naimark is a producer, inventor, and scholar in the fields of virtual reality and new media art. He is best known for his work in projection mapping, virtual travel, live global video, and cultural preservation, and refers to this body of work as β€œplace representation.”
Paul Clarke🟠 Des-fi
🟣 SC
πŸ”΄ HCI
πŸŒ€ DTech
πŸ”΅ FS
University of Bristol. Research Interest: Performance and Digital Tools for Imagining Preferable Futures
Paul Coulton🟠 Des-fi
πŸŒ€ DTech
Lancaster University. Professor of Speculative and Game Design. Research Interest: Speculative design, design fiction.
Peter-Paul Verbeek🟀 PP
πŸ”΄ HCI
πŸŒ€ DTech
Professor of Philosophy of Technology at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Twente. Research Interest: Postphenomenology, Theorizing Human-Technology Relations, Ethics and Politics of Human-Technology Relations, Technology and Scientific Practice, Philosophy of Design, Art, and Technology.
Robert Rosenberger🟀 PP
πŸ”΄ HCI
πŸŒ€ DTech
Associate professor in the School of Public Policy at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Research Interest: Postphenomenology, the ways that our everyday technologies shape our experience.
Ron WakkaryπŸ”΄ HCI
πŸŒ€ DTech
πŸ”΅ FS
Professor in design in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology, Simon Fraser University in Canada. Everyday Design Studio. Research Interest: Changing nature of design and human-computer interaction in response to new understandings of human-technology relations and posthumanism.
Sohail InayatullahπŸ”΅ FSProfessor Sohail Inayatullah, a political scientist, is the UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies at the Sejahtera Centre forSohail Inayatullah latest photo Sustainability and Humanity, IIUM, Malaysia. He is also a Professor at Tamkang University, Taipei (Graduate Institute of Futures Studies) and an Associate, Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne.
Stanislaw Lem🟑 Sci-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
StanisΕ‚aw Herman Lem was a Polish writer of novels, short stories and essays on various subjects, including philosophy, futurology, and literary criticism.
Stuart Candy🟠 Des-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
Associate Professor in the Carnegie Mellon School of Design. Director of CMU Situation Lab. Research Interest: Speculative design, design fiction, experiential futures.
Theresa Jean Tanenbaum🟠 Des-fi
πŸ”΄ HCI
πŸ”΅ FS
πŸŒ€ DTech
University of California, Irvine, Department of Informatics. Research Interest: Participatory, interactive storytelling.
Thomas Markussen🟠 Des-fiUniversity of Southern Denmark. Research Interest: How design can be used as a political and critical aesthetic practice, notably in the fields of social design, design activism and design fiction
Violet WhitneyπŸ”˜ Arch
🟣 SC
Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP).Her research explores the spatial, social, and tangible potential of digital connectivity, providing an alternative to the individualist and de-contextualized nature of the dominant product design discourse.
Walter OngπŸŒ€ DTechKnown for his work in Renaissance literature, intellectual history and the evolution of consciousness, was a Jesuit, a scholar and a teacher. Research Interest: His major interest was in exploring how the transition from orality to literacy influenced culture and changed human consciousness.
Wendy SchultzπŸ”΅ FSSince 1980, my futures work has focussed on facilitating futures fluency: helping groups of people explore -- and celebrate! -- the myriad possibilities that change creates.