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NameResearch CodesInformation
4D Design at Cranbook Academy of ArtπŸŒ€ DTech
πŸ”΄ HCI
🟣 SC
The department explores the myriad ways that the physical world around us has become infused with an undercurrent of flowing data, turning everyday experiences into connected, feedback-driven interactions that are transforming every aspect of culture and society.
AntikytheraπŸ”˜ Arch
🟀 PP
πŸŒ€ DTech
Antikythera was founded in 2022 and is directed by philosopher of technology Benjamin Bratton. Antikythera is a think tank reorienting planetary computation as a philosophical, technological, and geopolitical force. At some moments in history, philosophy outpaces technology. Today, technology has far outpaced theory. Antikythera develops a philosophy of technology to catch us up to the present.
Architectural Research Centers ConsortiumπŸ”˜ ArchFounded in 1976, the ARCC is an international association of architectural research centers, academies and organizations committed to the research culture and supporting infrastructure of architecture and related design disciplines. Through conference programming, grant and award programs, workshops and research journal Enquiry, ARCC represents a concerted commitment to improve the quality of life in the built environment.
Association of Professional Futurists and Foresight InternationalπŸ”΅ FSThe Association of Professional Futurists is a global community of futurists, dedicated to promoting professional excellence and demonstrating the value of strategic foresight and Futures Studies for their clients and/ or employers.
Australian Research Centre for Interactive and Virtual Environments🟣 SCUniversity of South Australia - IVE is responding to the challenge of increased demand for AR and VR technologies globally. Our researchers are leaders in many areas of AR and VR research including wearable computing, interface design, empathic computing, 3D visualisation, perception, and telepresence.
Calm Tech InstituteπŸŒ€ DTech
πŸ”΄ HCI
Calm Technology is a process for designing technology that works with human attention, instead of against it. Calm Tech principles delight users and have special appeal to conscious consumers.
Canadian Game Studies Association (CGSA/ACΓ‰J)πŸŒ€ DTech
πŸ”΄ HCI
The Canadian Game Studies Association (CGSA/ACÉJ) is an organization dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of digital games. Its primary goal is to support the work of Canadian researchers, graduate students, artists, game designers, programmers, theorists, and others working in this field.
Casus Ludi🟠 Des-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
Casus Ludi is an artisanal factory of playful and narrative experiences.We create games and stories to heartily engage people in imagining, reflecting and acting.
Center for Humane Technology🟠 Des-fi
πŸŒ€ DTech
It is dedicated to radically reimagining our digital infrastructure. Their mission is to drive a comprehensive shift toward humane technology that supports our well-being, democracy, and shared information environment.
Contact Consortium🟣 SCA global forum for Virtual World Cyberspace
Copenhagen Institute for Futures StudiesπŸ”΅ FSIn 1999 the Institute published the book. The Dream Society written by Rolf Jensen, which became an international bestseller putting the Institute on the world map.
Creative Science Foundation🟑 Sci-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
The Creative Science Foundation (CSf) is a not-for-profit educational organization dedicated to the exploration and promotion of creative methods as a means to foster innovation, advocating for a synergetic relationship between the creative arts (e.g. writing, films, art, dance, etc.) and the sciences (e.g. engineering, business, socio-political etc.).
Design & Critical Thinking🟠 Des-fiDesign & Critical Thinking (D&CT) is an online, free and open community launched in August 2020 by Kevin Richard. We aim to build shared understanding, collective knowledge & sensemaking at the intersection of disciplines such as design, business, innovation, change, ethics, systems practices, complexity thinking, networks, etc.
Design Futures InitiativeπŸ”΅ FSThe Design Futures Initiative is a 501c3 nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, CA, USA. Our mission is to bring together designers, strategists, artists, scientists, and futurists to facilitate and advance responsible design and strategy practices that consider the ethical, cultural, environmental, political and economic challenges and opportunities of future products, services, and systems.
Digital Ethnography InitiativeπŸ”΄ HCI
πŸŒ€ DTech
In the interdisciplinary research field of digital ethnography researchers are exploring public or semi-public digital environments, such as social media and virtual worlds, as well as personalized and intimate smartphone practices. by Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Vienna
Dubai Future FoundationπŸ”΅ FSWe reimagine, inspire and design Dubai’s future in collaboration with our public and private sector partners. Our aim is to make Dubai one of the world’s foremost future cities.
Electronic Frontier FoundationπŸŒ€ DTechThe Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world. Founded in 1990, EFF champions user privacy, free expression, and innovation through impact litigation, policy analysis, grassroots activism, and technology development. EFF's mission is to ensure that technology supports freedom, justice, and innovation for all people of the world.
Everyday Design Studio🟠 Des-fiSimon Fraser University, Canada
Extrapolation Factory🟠 Des-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
The Extrapolation Factory is a design-based research studio for participatory futures studies founded by Chris Woebken and Elliott P. Montgomery. The studio develops experimental methods for collaborative prototyping, experiencing and impacting future scenarios.
The Master of Science in Fiction and Entertainment🟣 SC
🟑 Sci-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
🟠 Des-fi
πŸŒ€ DTech
SCI-Arc, Liam Young, The Master of Science in Fiction and Entertainment is a one-year, three-semester program where students work with world-renowned professionals in the entertainment industry to develop expertise in world-building, storytelling, film, visual effects, and video games, to build new forms of creative practice.
Future Architecture PlatformπŸ”˜ Arch
πŸ”΅ FS
It provides talented conceptual thinkers and practitioners in architecture with opportunities to speak up - and be seen and heard.
Future Cities LaboratoryπŸ”΅ FSETH Zurich
Future EverythingπŸ”΅ FSAt FutureEverything, we strive to be at the forefront of digital culture, harnessing art and participatory experiences as a lens to reflect on the world around us. Evolving from an annual festival into a year-round cultural programme, we’re passionate about bringing people together to discover, share and experience new ideas for the future.
Future Generations Commissioner for WalesπŸ”΅ FSAs Commissioner, my role is to be the guardian of future generations. This means helping public bodies and those who make policy in Wales to think about the long-term impact their decisions have. For example, if we know that around 35% of jobs in the UK may disappear as a result of robots, artificial intelligence or computers, what’s that going to mean to you, your children and your grandchildren?
Future Immersive Interaction GroupπŸ”΄ HCI
🟣 SC
πŸ”΅ FS
Research Group at University of Glasgow. Research area: Tangible and embedded interaction, digital interactive art, public displays and unusual display technologies, and interaction and technology for public spaces.
Future Interfaces GroupπŸ”΅ FS
πŸ”΄ HCI
The Future Interfaces Group is an interdisciplinary research lab within the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
Future LabπŸ”΅ FS
πŸ”˜ Arch
TU Wien
FuturiblesπŸ”΅ FSFuturibles is a foresight centre founded in the 1960s. The name β€˜Futuribles’ is a portmanteau word, a contraction of the French words for β€˜futures’ and β€˜possible’. At the heart of Futuribles’s activities is the idea that the future is never totally pre-ordained and that multiple different futures are possible. Exploring these enables us to reveal the scope for manoeuvre that actors possess and to contribute to developing policies and strategies properly suited to the issues of tomorrow and not solely determined by past trajectories.
Global Futures LaboratoryπŸ”΅ FSArizona State University. The emergence of the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory at Arizona State University is the next step in our continual evolution. It represents the urgent belief that we can and must make a meaningful contribution to ensuring a habitable planet and a future in which well-being is attainable.
Hawaii Research Center for Future StudiesπŸ”΅ FSDirected by Jim Dator at University of Hawaii at Manoa.
HCI Engineering and Design Lab (HCIED)πŸ”΄ HCI
🟣 SC
Texas A&M University, Computer Science & Engineering department, We build systems and design applications to help non-experts utilize and benefit from late-breaking technologies in their everyday lives.
Human-Computer Interaction LabπŸ”΄ HCI
🟣 SC
National Taiwan University, We are NTU HCI Lab, focusing on cross-field research based on user experiences. We integrate both software and hardware, utilizing mobile devices and cloud techniques, to implement several innovative applications on mobile and wearable devices with our research on human computer interaction
Hundredpixel Firm🟠 Des-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
Hundredpixel specializes in the exploration and portrayal of futures for cinema, with a particular focus on the relationship between future technologies and human experiences.
IDEO🟠 Des-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
IDEO is a global design company. We believe a better future is for all of us to design.
ILLIXR Consortium🟣 SCWe aim to democratize extended reality (XR) systems research, development, and benchmarking by providing a reference open source end-to-end XR system testbed, with state-of-the-art components connected with a modular runtime, a benchmarking methodology for XR systems, including reference system configurations, applications, data sets, and metrics, a community where the multidisciplinary XR systems research and development stakeholders come together.
ImaginationLancaster🟠 Des-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
Lancaster University, England
IMMERSE: Center for Immersive Computing🟣 SCUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Immersive computing promises the seamless integration of the virtual with the physical. It includes augmented, virtual, and mixed reality (AR, VR, and MR), collectively extended reality (XR), digital twins, the metaverse, spatial computing, and earable computing.
Intelligent Place LabπŸ”˜ Arch
πŸŒ€ DTech
🟣 SC
Israel Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, The Intelligent Place Laboratory (IPL) boosts research at the intersection of Architectural Design, Social Science, Operations Research, Cognitive Science, and Artificial Intelligence to explore, envision, design, and manage Intelligent Places that are aware of – and proactively cater to – the dynamic needs of their inhabitants. This is expected to transform built environments from passive containers into active partners in the lives of their inhabitants.
Invisible Room🟣 SC
πŸ”΄ HCI
πŸŒ€ DTech
Berlin. Invisible Room is a studio for software development and design. We produce handmade Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Media Spaces, XR Websites, Digital Experiments.
Institute for The FutureπŸ”΅ FSForesight education and futures organization
International Living Future InstituteπŸ”΅ FSThe International Living Future Institute is premised on the belief that providing a compelling vision for the future is a fundamental requirement for reconciling humanity’s relationship with the natural world.
Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative CitiesπŸ”΅ FSThe Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities (LKYCIC) is a research institute in the Singapore University of Technology and Design. The Centre seeks to stimulate thinking and research on the critical issues of cities and urbanisation and explore the integrated use of technology, design and policy to provide urban solutions.
Living Cities🟣 SC
πŸ”΅ FS
Connecting real places to digital-twins, bringing life to the mirror world. We’re building a social layer intertwining the Metaverse and reality, so we can more richly express who we are to each other.
Media, Cities and Space by ECREAπŸ”˜ Arch
πŸŒ€ DTech
The ECREA Media, Cities and Space Section convenes interdisciplinary research and education focused on the manifold relationships of media and communications with cities and spatiality. Within these relationship, we conceive of β€˜media and communications’ as encompassing everything from early writing systems to artificial intelligence; and equally, of β€˜cities and spatiality’ as everything from megalopolises to the most remote corners of the Earth.
MetafutureπŸ”΅ FSMetafuture is an educational think tank that explores alternative and preferred futures and the worldviews and myths that underlie them. Through presentations, workshops and research, Metafuture helps local and global organizations and institutions create alternative and preferred futures. It is hosted by Sohail Inayatullah and Ivana MilojeviΔ‡.
MUTEK ForumπŸŒ€ DTech
πŸ”΅ FS
An international marketplace shaping the future of digital culture. Since its inaugural edition in 2013, MUTEK Forum's mission has been to reach out to and gather digital arts professionals from all horizons and to provide them with a space where industry players can learn, network and discover the latest developments in cutting-edge technologies, during a week-long event packed with high-quality content. MUTEK Forum brings together producers, artists, buyers and programmers from around the world in a series of conferences, workshops and activities, solidifying Montreal as the capital of digital creativity year after year.
Near Future Laboratory🟠 Des-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
Pioneers of Design Fiction.
Nonfiction Design Studio🟑 Sci-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
Nonfiction turns science fiction into reality for a better future.
Philosophy Lab🟀 PP
πŸŒ€ DTech
University of Twente, by Peter-Paul Verbeek.
Planting Imagination: Community Co-Design for Chinatown Toronto - Impact ReportπŸ”˜ Arch
🟣 SC
by Toronto Metropolitan University
Research GrOup On Development of Intelligent EnvironmentS: GOODIESπŸ”˜ Arch
πŸŒ€ DTech
Middlesex University, Smart Spaces Lab.
Research Institute for Future DesignπŸ”΅ FSby Tatsuyoshi Saijo at Kochi University of Technology, Japan.
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association🟑 Sci-fiThe purpose of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association is to promote, advance, and support science fiction and fantasy writing in the United States and elsewhere, by educating and informing the general public and supporting and empowering science fiction and fantasy writers.
Science Fiction Research Association🟑 Sci-fiThe Oldest Professional Association Dedicated to the scholarly Inquiry of Science Fiction and the Fantastic Across All Media.
SciFuturesπŸ”΅ FS
🟑 Sci-fi
🟣 SC
πŸŒ€ DTech
SciFutures is an award-winning innovation house that uses science-fiction prototyping to help accelerate innovation.
School of International FuturesπŸ”΅ FSSchool of International Futures (SOIF) is a global non-profit transforming futures for current and next generations. SOIF was founded in 2012. It is headquartered in the UK and operates globally, using diverse teams to work with leaders, organisations and communities.
Situation Lab🟣 SC
πŸ”΅ FS
University of Southern California. Designing generative situations for public good, for clients & for kicks. Run by Stuart Candy.
Socio-Tech Futures Lab (STuF Lab)🟣 SC
πŸ”΅ FS
The University of Sydney. Researching the futures of technology use.
SPACE10🟠 Des-fi
πŸ”˜ Arch
πŸ”΅ FS
SPACE10 is a research and design lab on a mission to create a better everyday life for people and the planet.
Spatial PixelπŸ”˜ Arch
🟣 SC
Spatial Pixel is building a new kind of spatial computing – one for your space, not for your face. We are Violet Whitney and William Martin, both design researchers, technologists, and professors working out of Philadelphia, PA and New York City, NY.
Stories from 2050πŸ”΅ FSThe overall objective is to support the implementation and further development of the 'European Green Deal' in order to achieve the 'Clean Planet 2050' vision.
Superflux🟠 Des-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
Founded by Anab Jain and Jon Ardern in 2009, Superflux is a boundary-defying, award-winning design and experiential futures company, as well as a research and art practice. From climate change to algorithmic autonomy, future of work to more-than-human politics, our work aims to confront diverse audiences with the complex and deeply interconnected nature of the challenges we face today.
SuperrrπŸ”΅ FS
🟠 Des-fi
We develop visions and projects with the goal to create more equitable futures. We do research, build networks and shape narratives. Superrr is playful, visionary and feminist.
The Association of Professional Futurists (APF)πŸ”΅ FSThe Association of Professional Futurists is a global community of futurists, dedicated to promoting professional excellence and demonstrating the value of strategic foresight and Futures Studies for their clients and/ or employers.
The Design and Augmented Intelligence Lab (DAIL)πŸ”΄ HCI
🟣 SC
πŸŒ€ DTech
Cornell University. Supports research to develop and analyze human–technology partnerships in the design process. Promotes generative design approaches and new design technologies to enhance the relationship between people and their created environment.
The Design Futures Initiative🟠 Des-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
Bringing people together to help imagine a better place to live
The Metaverse Standards Forum🟣 SCThe Metaverse Standards Forum is a non-profit, member-funded consortium of standards-related organizations, companies, and institutions that are cooperating to foster interoperability for an open and inclusive metaverse. Originally founded in June 2022, the Forum was incorporated in April 2023 to accelerate its mission to enable and promote broad cooperation and coordination over metaverse-related standards activities.
The Society for Utopian Studies🟠 Des-fi
🟑 Sci-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
Founded in 1975, The Society for Utopian Studies (SUS) is an international, interdisciplinary association devoted to the study of utopianism in all its forms, with a particular emphasis on literary and experimental utopias.
The Story Laboratory for Design Fiction, Futures + Worldbuilding🟠 Des-fi
πŸ”΅ FS
University of Nebraskaβ€”Lincoln, Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts.
The Transformative Play LabπŸ”΅ FS
🟠 Des-fi
πŸŒ€ DTech
University of California, Irvine, Department of Informatics.
teamLab🟣 SC
πŸŒ€ DTech
teamLab (f. 2001) is an international art collective, an interdisciplinary group of various specialists such as artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians and architects whose collaborative practice seeks to navigate the confluence of art, science, technology, and the natural world
Urban Futures StudioπŸ”΅ FS
🟠 Des-fi
Utrecht University
Virtual World Society🟣 SCThe Virtual World Society draws upon the extensive knowledge of our global members to act as a force multiplier that ensures social-good organizations succeed in the adoption and deployment of XR and emergent technologies.
VR/AR Association🟣 SCThe VR/AR Association (VRARA) is an international organization designed to foster collaboration between XR, mixed reality, spatial computing, and artificial intelligence (AI) solution providers and end-users that accelerates growth, fosters research and education, helps develop industry best practices, connects member organizations and promotes the services of member companies.
Well Living LabπŸ”˜ ArchWell Living Lab, founded as a Delos and Mayo Clinic collaboration.The Well Living Lab is the first lab exclusively committed to research, development, and testing of both new and existing innovations designed to improve the health and well-being of individuals as they live, work, learn, and play within built environments.
World Building InstituteπŸ”΅ FS
🟣 SC
University of Southern California. The World Building Institute is a cutting-edge USC non-profit Organized Research Unit dedicated to the dissemination, education, and appreciation of the future of narrative media through World Building.
World Futures Studies FederationπŸ”΅ FSWFSF is a UNESCO and UN consultative partner and global NGO with members in over 60 countries. They bring together academics, researchers, practitioners, students and futures-focused institutions. WFSF offers a forum for stimulation, exploration and exchange of ideas, visions, and plans for alternative futures, through long-term, big-picture thinking and radical change.
X-The Moonshot FactoryπŸ”΅ FS
🟠 Des-fi
πŸŒ€ DTech
X is a diverse group of inventors and entrepreneurs who build and launch technologies that aim to improve the lives of millions, even billions, of people.